Each year a memorial walk is held to raise funds for The Ryan Lee Mohn Memorial Foundation.
Below are other events and activities honoring Ryan.
On June 8, 2019 the Ryan Mohn Foundation participated in the American Legion Rider's Chili Cookoff. The foundation won both the Grand Champion award and the People's Choice award by its buffalo chicken chili entry. Here are some pictures from that event.
September 21, 2008
The 5th Annual Ryan Mohn Gift of Life Golf Tournament was held at Deer Valley Golf Course on Sunday, September 21, 2008. Congratulations to the winning foursome: Scott Ostot, John Ostot, Tony Hindermyer, and John Leota. Many thanks to the Steelton American Legion for their sponsorship of this
A total of $672 was donated to the Gift of Life Golf Donor Program.
A total of $672 was donated to the Gift of Life Golf Donor Program.
August 23, 2008
The 6th Annual 5th Ward Golf Tournament was held on Saturday, August 23, 2008, at Manada Hill Golf Course in Grantville.
Congratulations to the winning foursome: Jack Carnes, Nate Blose, Crawford Hunter, and Mark O'Donnell.
Thank you to the 5th Ward for their generous $1,180 donation to Ryan's Foundation from the proceeds of this golf tournament.
Congratulations to the winning foursome: Jack Carnes, Nate Blose, Crawford Hunter, and Mark O'Donnell.
Thank you to the 5th Ward for their generous $1,180 donation to Ryan's Foundation from the proceeds of this golf tournament.
November 21, 2006
On Tuesday, November 21, 2006, the Ryan Lee Mohn Memorial Foundation participated in the Parade of Trees, sponsored and held at the Penn Harris/Radisson Hotel in Camp Hill. The Parade of Trees is an event open to businesses and other entities as an opportunity to decorate Christmas trees while raising money for non-profit organizations that provide worthwhile services. Hotel guests will vote on the tree they like the best by
monetary ballot. Proceeds raised benefit Highmark's The Caring Place. The Caring Place is a grieving center for children, adolescents, and
their families. Ronnie, Cristen, and Alison have all benefited from attending sessions there so this is a cause close their hearts.
The Foundation Board invited family and friends to create an ornament for the Foundation tree. The ornaments were designed based on something that reminded each creator of Ryan and his relationship with that person, his love of sports, organ donation, or anything else they chose. There are quite a unique collection of ornaments that were donated. The Foundation Board invites you to visit the Radisson to check out both the Foundation tree and the other decorated trees. The trees were on display through January 11, 2007. Thank you to all who helped make this a memorable event.
monetary ballot. Proceeds raised benefit Highmark's The Caring Place. The Caring Place is a grieving center for children, adolescents, and
their families. Ronnie, Cristen, and Alison have all benefited from attending sessions there so this is a cause close their hearts.
The Foundation Board invited family and friends to create an ornament for the Foundation tree. The ornaments were designed based on something that reminded each creator of Ryan and his relationship with that person, his love of sports, organ donation, or anything else they chose. There are quite a unique collection of ornaments that were donated. The Foundation Board invites you to visit the Radisson to check out both the Foundation tree and the other decorated trees. The trees were on display through January 11, 2007. Thank you to all who helped make this a memorable event.
December 2004
Steelton Youth Make Donation to Memorial Fund
Max Salov, Michael Lownes, and Dillion and Melissa Beard from Steelton spent a number of nights going door to door to sing Christmas carols to neighboring houses. They wanted to give the donations they had received to some type of charity and decided on the Ryan Mohn Memorial Fund. The kids presented the money collected (over $120) to Ryan’s mom, Alison, at one of the December 2004 basketball games. There was even a small blurb in the Middletown Press and Journal about what they did. Thanks to these great kids for their kindness and generosity.
Max Salov, Michael Lownes, and Dillion and Melissa Beard from Steelton spent a number of nights going door to door to sing Christmas carols to neighboring houses. They wanted to give the donations they had received to some type of charity and decided on the Ryan Mohn Memorial Fund. The kids presented the money collected (over $120) to Ryan’s mom, Alison, at one of the December 2004 basketball games. There was even a small blurb in the Middletown Press and Journal about what they did. Thanks to these great kids for their kindness and generosity.
November 8, 2004
On November 8, 2004, a press conference was held at the Capitol to kick off a campaign jointly sponsored by the Departments of Health and Transportation, the Center for Organ Recovery and Education, and the Gift of Life Program. The campaign was designed to promote more awareness of the need for organ and tissue donors. Ryan’s mom, Alison, was given the opportunity to address the participants at the press conference and tell Ryan’s story about his decision to become an organ donor. The campaign’s theme, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Powers, will feature billboards across the state of 6 different people who said yes to organ donation. Ryan has been chosen to be part of this campaign and his picture will be shown on 5 different billboards throughout the Harrisburg area and parts of Reading, Berks County. The billboards in the Harrisburg area were initially located at:
1) Sycamore Street (by the Harrisburg River Rescue parking lot),
2) Route 322 (heading towards Hershey) between Chambers Hill and Mushroom Hill Roads,
3) Union Deposit Road (traveling towards the 83N bridge underpass) by the Texaco which is in front of Lowe’s,
4) Routes 11 and 15 near the Summerdale Diner, and
5) at Susquehanna and Forster Streets (traveling from the Harvey Taylor Bridge into Harrisburg).
Some of these billboards have been removed, but others have been put up in different areas. You just never know when one will pop up! There are also a number of Ryan’s billboards in Reading, Berks County.
1) Sycamore Street (by the Harrisburg River Rescue parking lot),
2) Route 322 (heading towards Hershey) between Chambers Hill and Mushroom Hill Roads,
3) Union Deposit Road (traveling towards the 83N bridge underpass) by the Texaco which is in front of Lowe’s,
4) Routes 11 and 15 near the Summerdale Diner, and
5) at Susquehanna and Forster Streets (traveling from the Harvey Taylor Bridge into Harrisburg).
Some of these billboards have been removed, but others have been put up in different areas. You just never know when one will pop up! There are also a number of Ryan’s billboards in Reading, Berks County.